To take advantage of the webinars provided on our CEC platform, you need to be an Associate, Certified, or Student member of RID. For assistance, contact webinars@festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com. If you are a current member, you have received email instructions from RID with your login information for the Continuing Education Center.
If you need to confirm your account information, please visit myaccount.festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com.
My password for myaccount.festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com isn’t working. How do I log in?
Your CEC username is your RID member ID number, but your password may be different from the password you use to log in to your RID member portal. If you are not sure what your CEC password is, please use the “Forgot Password” tool at https://education.festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com/password/forgot and enter the email address associated with your RID member account to reset it.
If I can’t attend a webinar live, will it be recorded?
Yes, most workshops will be available for viewing after the live event occurs. In the unlikely event the webinar will not be recorded, this will be advertised during the registration process.
I watched a webinar yesterday, when will my CEUs show up for that webinar?
Your CEUs will show up within 60 days from the completion of the workshop. Be sure that you’ve accessed the certificate of completion for the activity to be added to the queue for CEU processing.
How long do I have to complete the activity?
Effective 9/22/2023, you have five (5) years from the date of registration to complete the activity. An independent study must be completed within one year from the date the independent study plan was submitted.
Who do I contact if I’m having issues with the webinar?
Please email webinars@festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com with any issues. Do remember that the response time is up to three business days. This will not affect your earning of CEUs.
What is the refund policy?
Refunds will not be provided for purchased activities. You may exchange the activity for another archived activity of equal value if you have not started the activity. Please email webinars@festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com with your request.
Access and browse all RID CEC webinars here.
EATE Project.
Enhancing Awareness Through Education Project
Aligning with RID’s mission to foster the growth of the ASL interpreting profession and community, EATE will provide educational opportunities that coincide with nationally recognized diversity months. These months include topics such as cultural awareness, heritage months, mental health, and more! CEUs will be offered throughout the calendar year to promote professional development while encouraging broadened awareness within our community.
This project aims to encourage individuals to participate in EATE events that are intended to raise awareness on topics that go beyond the surface, through CEU opportunities that provide education and professional development across a broad spectrum of lived experiences and issues. By providing a wide range of thoughtful learning opportunities, we hope this program will foster a culture of individual and professional growth year-round.
Date | Webinar Information |
October 23, 2024 | Breaking the Silence
Presenter: Tempest Cooper, MSW, ASW When and Where: Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 10:30am -12:30pm ET, Zoom Register here: https://education.festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com/products/breaking-the-silence-awareness/ |
Webinars will be available monthly throughout the year. Please see the list of topics here, which also includes the month they will be presented as well as the deadline for submission materials.
CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST OF TOPICS AND SCHEDULEWe are seeking content experts to present on these topics throughout the year. To create as much opportunity as possible, EATE will offer multiple webinars each month.
Submission deadlines are strict and set to the 10th of the month before a webinar is scheduled to be presented. Submissions do not guarantee selection; however, they may be considered for a different month or 2025 should the topic apply. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging (DEIAB) are part of the cornerstones of RID, and we want to ensure presenters submit activities that will align with these values.
If I’m not a RID member, can I submit a proposal for a webinar?
Yes, the more the merrier! RID is seeking professionals from all sides including interpreters, teachers, as well as Deaf consumers, and Deaf professionals.
If I’m not a RID member, can I still attend a webinar?
Yes! Webinars under this project will be offered to non-members at a different rate. To become a member and receive the benefit of a discounted webinar rate, click here!
Can I submit a recommendation for another topic or a potential presenter?
We are more than happy to accept recommendations on topics and presenters. Please email any recommendations to webinars@festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com.
How do I request accommodations?
For reasonable accommodations, please submit your request to webinars@festive-ballyhoo.flywheelstaging.com.
Enhancing Awareness Through Education Project Topics and Schedule
Month of Presentation | Topics | Submission Deadline |
February | Black History Month | January 10, 2024 |
March | Women’s History Women’s Health |
February 10, 2024 |
April | Deaf History Neurodiversity |
March 10, 2024 |
May | Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month Mental Health |
April 10, 2024 |
June | LGBTQ2S+ | May 10, 2024 |
July | Disability Awareness | June 10, 2024 |
September | Hispanic Heritage Month Recovery Awareness Suicide Awareness |
August 10, 2024 |
October | Global Diversity | September 10, 2024 |
November | Native American Heritage Month | October 10, 2024 |
December | HIV / AIDS Awareness | November 10, 2024 |
Continue to grow on your interpreting journey, there’s always more to learn.
Ethics Webinars
The complexities of Ethics are a fascinating subject to navigate. And a huge benefit to RID membership is an interpreter’s duty to maintain ethical standards.
PPO Webinars
Learn more about the dynamics of Power, Privilege, and Oppression.
Safety Webinars
Expand your knowledge on topics from domestic violence and active shooting, to boundaries and trauma.
DeafBlind Webinars
Explore the specific experiences of DeafBlind interpreting strategies from experts in the field.