Participants must work with a RID-Approved Sponsor to earn CEU credits.


Quick list of different activities to earn your CEUs.

Quick Reference Activities

  1. Academic Coursework
  2. Sponsor Initiated Activities/Workshops
  3. Independent Studies
  4. Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities (PINRA)

Download RID’s Quick Guide to Earning CEUs

How to use CEU options.

More information about the four activity types.

  1. Contact an RID Sponsor to process the appropriate forms
  2. Complete the course
  3. Submit final documentation to the Sponsor
  1. Make sure CEUs for the workshop are offered by an RID Sponsor (look for the CMP logo on the flyers)
  2. Register for and attend the workshop
  3. Sign the Activity Report Form and record the Activity number for your own documentation. (Make sure you have your RID member number)
  1. Devise a plan for what you want to learn (you can ask the Sponsor for help in developing this plan)
  2. Contact a RID Sponsor to process the paperwork
  3. Document your work as you complete the activity
  4. Submit the final product to the Sponsor for approval
  1. Obtain information about the conference, workshop or seminar you want to attend
  2. Contact an RID Sponsor prior to attending to process the form
  3. Attend the conference or seminar and collect the appropriate documentation
  4. Send the documentation to the sponsor